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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
557 white 3
ACL super white x-tra power 3
AJAY super white 3
AJIT white deluxe 16
AJIT white medium 16
AJIT white super 16
ALL GOLD premium white rum 33
AMBIKA'S white no.1 3
AMBROSIA white 19
APHRODISIAC white wine 42
ARISTOCRAT white rum +trees 33
ARJUN white DELUXE +pen 16
ASHA detergent cake white 3
ASTOR white flowers +flower 3
AVON white nougat +cartoon 30
BADAL super white 3
BADSHAH white pepper powder 30
BAKEMANS big white 30
BALLAR white oats 30
BECKSEAL white 1, 16
BEVERLY HILLS natural white 3
BIRLA white +buildings 19
BIRLA white wallcare 19
BRILIENT STAR white +star 19
CHAMBOR white 3
CHANCHAL super white +bird 3
CHARMINAR white 34
CHARMS white 34
CHOICE white bread 30
CLEANAL white phenyle 5
CLUB white 25
COLGATE herbal white +plant 3
COLGATE max white 3
COLGATE simply white 5
COLGATE simply white +teeth 3
COLGATE sparkling white 3
COLGATE visible white 3, 21
CORAL white 3
CP white guard SUPER GOLD 3
CRYSTAL white 19
CUCUM white 3
CYBER white 3
DASH brand white +horse 21
DAZZLE-white 24
DEEVAZ VAISOL white fluid 3
DHARA white detergent 3
DUCK white 25
EAST INDIA white rum 33
ELEPHANT brand s.c. white 16
EXCEL white 2
FLAWLESS white 19
G.N. gold white nirol 3
GANGA white seal +hills 2
GLACIER white 19
GOLCONDA dry white wine 33
GOLDCRUNCH white oats +bowl 30
GOOD DAY super white salt 30
GOPI super white +bird 3
GOYAL GENIUS extra white 30
HANU white detergent cake 3
HEXABOND white adhesive 1
HEXABOND HS white adhesive 16
HITECH white +square 2
I.Q FROM white house 25
IMPERIAL white 19
J.V.G. green & white SODA 7
JACKSON snow white +flowers 16
JCPL RANGEELA super white 30
JOVAN white musk 3
JOY active white 3
KDM white detergent cake 3
KEDIA white in devnagari 30
KHAITAN super white +bird 3
KING PLASTO ultra white 19
KIWI shoe white +bird 3
KTWPL white copier 16
LAKSHMANREKHA white chalks 5
LION white cement +lion 19
LIPCY super white nipples 10
LIPTON'S white label 30
LUSTRE white +hut & tree 19
MAGICARE white 3
MANGALAM super white produc 3
MARY KAY pure white 3
MC DOWELL'S NO.1 white rum 33
MCDOWELL'S white magic 33
MCDOWELL'S white satin 33
MCDOWELLS white magic 33
MEGHA white 1
MIKI white 3
MILKMADE white bread +globe 30
MKG WALL CARE white cement 2
MOON white 19
MORISH white wash eraser 16
MPS black & white 2
MR white 3
MR. white +cartoon 2
MUMANS white n white +ovals 3
MUMANS white n white +ovals 3
N.G.C white king +oval 3
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